Saturday, January 28

Mother Nature

To: Mom
From: Build Your Own Birthday Knitters
Re: Mother Nature's Co-operation

The BYOB Warm Neck committee is requesting that you speak with Mother Nature. As you are also a mother, they feel that She would listen to you more than them. They are faithfully knitting on the BYOB scarf that you chose. However, questions have been raised whether that was a wise decision on your part. As the winter so far has been barely cold one day and summer's coming hot the next, a scarf has been rendered fairly unnecessary this season.

The WN group would like to feel their efforts are not in vain and request that you politely tell Mother Nature to get with the program. It is still technically winter for another two months. If you are unable to obtain Her co-operation with the season as a whole, could you try to enlist Her help with the following matter. If She is just going to melt the snow a mere five hours after She makes it, would She please stop timing said snowfall during the morning commute to work.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated,
Warm Neck Knitters

P.S. The Warm Feet committee would like to let you know, they don't care what is going on outside. They are fully hypnotized by the sock they are creating and cannot be bothered with temperature changes. They are so enamored with their creation that they assume you will be as well, even if it means you are wearing 100% wool on a 90F degree day.


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