I try once a week to visit with my friend Tina who knits as well. Occasionally her step-daughter is over and then it's the three of us. You have to love friends who gift you with presents that encourage your fiber habit.

Yesterday, Tina and Nevada presented me with a pen that expresses my affinity towards quality yarns. They said that snob was meant in the nicest of ways. :) Of course my husband replied that if Tina was a true friend she would send me to the nearest KA. "Hi, my name is Jae. And I'm a knitter."
Today they also gave me a knitter's journal (ah ha - good use for the pen, me thinks). I suspect the journal was in response to last night's questions about the scarf I made for Nevada.
Them: How many skeins?
Me: I don't know. One??
Them: How many stitches did you cast on?
Me: I don't know, let me see the scarf. . . It looks like 12.
Them: What size needles did you use?
Me: I don't know, I think 13's. Could be 15's though.
Them: What's the yarn?
Me (thinking): Finally, a question I know the answer to.
Me (out loud): Berroco Hip-Hop
Now for all future projects I shall be well equipped to capture all the details of my made up patterns. Thank you so much for your continued enabling of my knitting habits!!