Sunday, December 18

The Best Therapy

I have not been looking forward to the holidays. Why you ask? Because of my in-laws. We alternate every year for Christmas - my folks, his folks. This year . . . it's his folks. However, his sister told us that we don't spend enough money on her and her family. I think what really burns me up about this, is that I spent a good deal of time knitting for her family. A felted hat for her, a scarf for her daughter, and a sweater for her son. And I know, I KNOW, that she is going to smile to my face and complain about the perceived "lack of gifting" behind my back. I really struggle with her. I have never encountered a woman so full of spite. If there is a bright spot in all of this, it is that I am reminded that my life has been so full of love that I do not need to inflict venom on others. ( I realize that one comment does not a spiteful woman make, but things of this nature have been ongoing for . . . well . . forever it seems. And why should I make you miserable with all the gory details?)

So where does the therapy come in? Well, I'll show you. Yarn and knitting. (Notice I didn't say cheap therapy. I believe I would save money if I invested in couch time with a doctor vs. my needles) I bought yarn for me - Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran Tweed for the Aran Pullover from the new IK. The color is #127 Posie. Yummy!! I also bought yarn for my Aunt's project - Rowan Calmer, color SH473. Her's required needles I didn't yet possess, so on impulse I decided to splurge on rosewood double point needles. (I mentioned this was therapy, right? Not cheap, but goooood therapy.)

Click on photo to see Cleo - I tell ya, she is all about the knitting

I came home, plopped on my couch and knitted until 1 AM. I knitted until my index finger was sore from pushing stitches off the needles. I knitted until all the anger and frustration was spent. I knitted until I was too tired to think. And I woke up this morning feeling loads lighter. Ahhhh, sweet therapy!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you don't know our family!

12/27/2005 8:19 PM  

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