Sunday, February 5

Ingredients of a Good Weekend

This weekend has thus far been a good one.

Reason 1 - Sisterhood of the SHEEP
Friday night was the first meeting of the SHEEP. It is an every other month event held at my LYS. For the curious, details are on the last page of their newsletter. It was a blast! Twenty-one woman fondling yarn from the new spring line. Gifts were given, swatches were knitted, and plenty of food to eat. The owners have made their store a warm, inviting home away from home. Last night's event was no exception. After all, how can you go wrong with drink, stitching, and good company?

Amongst the group at my table was a woman with a metal wrist ball holder. It was incredibly light weight and easy to slip on/off your wrist. I think I may have to invest in one. This would allow me to walk while knitting. No longer the debate or guilt for choosing the passive activity of knitting over actively walking. Which leads to...

Reason 2 - Size 6 Jeans
For most of my young adult life, I was a petite framed person with good genetics that allowed for teflon coated thighs when it came to fried fast food. This meant I could delude myself into believing that thin equaled healthy. There is something mystical about turning 30. In three years I gained 35 pounds, 20 in my one year of marriage. Do the math with that last little fact, it ain't pretty.

One would think I reached bottom when my first anniversary came around and I couldn't wear the dress from my rehearsal dinner. Not only would it not zip, it sat all bunched up under my arms because of my expanded waistline, butt, and hips. But no, illusions are powerful things and mine weren't shattered until the following week when I nearly passed out from the effort of climbing one flight of stairs. Yeah, you read that right. :(

I set a realistic goal of improved health and decided to let weight and body shape be what it would. Three months later I have to buy new clothes because I'm just not a suspender kind of gal. I choose a trendy pair of embroidered jeans in a size 6 - two sizes smaller than my current wardrobe. They fit with just a little ease. However, I forgot an important fact about jeans - they stretch as you were them. Size 6 is too big!! Plus, I can now climb 3 -4 flights of stairs before I start to feel winded.

Reason 3 - Winter's back
I have really missed the snow and the cold weather. This quirky warm weather we have been experiencing has really thrown me off. The weather outside should reflect the need for warm socks, mittens, hats, and woolen sweaters. This morning I woke up to this wonderful white world. The snow is still coming down with just enough weight to be good for snowman making.

Reason 4 - Sock Knitting and Cat Lapwarmers
'Nuff said!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great weekend!!!

Your Pal

2/05/2006 5:11 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

The weather has been strange, hasn't it? I could have done without all the wind and sleet yesterday, though! :)

2/05/2006 7:51 PM  
Blogger CynCyn said...

OMG. Your cat is SO cute! I can't believe that he/she lets you knit while in your lap, but one of mine lets me too (sometimes, I even drape the yarn over his head, between his ears and up to my project, just to torture him).

2/07/2006 6:19 PM  

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