Wednesday, January 4

Secret Scarf Progress

Between Christmas and New Year's I cast on for my Scarf Exchange project. I had originally wanted to use the Manos, but it just wasn't speaking to me. That left the Silk Garden. I am loving this yarn. It is so light weight and much softer than it's Kureyon cousin.

I have also been enjoying the process. I was inspired by the
IK web pattern Dibs on Ribs. I wanted to knit the whole scarf in one piece though. Thus, I have had to spend a large amount of time figuring out the shaping required to keep the scarf flat. This project has really challenged me. I learned a lot about the appropriate use of short rows and waste yarn.

I've made it through a whole repeat (I am using that term loosely - a repeat equals 1/4-1/3 of the total length). Now, I can enjoy the knitting and watching the stripes appear as my reward for the effort of creating my own pattern. :)


Blogger CynCyn said...

can't wait to see your pattern all finished... i know of several people who would kill for that scarf.

and, i'm sure i asked you before, but where in MI are you? I lived in AA during college (go Blue!) and in SE MI in my teen years (born and raised in MI).

thanks for stopping by my blog!

1/04/2006 8:52 PM  

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